Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Baby Deal of the Day & Shopping Resources

Deal of the Day
Shopping Sites

Recommend for during the pregnancy:

The Ultimate Baby Shopping & Registry List (to get you started)

Places to shop:
Babies R Us
Buy Buy Baby (Rockville & Cherry Hill)
Great Beginnings (Gaithersburg)
Babies First (Columbia) * This is an awesome new store

BIG TICKET ITEMS (You need to choose this stuff before the Baby is born, and it would be good to have purchased it already)
Crib- We chose a crib that converts into both a toddler bed and then a full size bed. It's by Pali and in the mid-range for cribs. They are one of the few companies making solid wood cribs that are NOT yet made in China. My grandmother did not want ones made in China. We have been pretty happy with it. Keep in mind though, if you want bumpers what that will look like on the crib and also how the mobile will attach. Sometimes it takes 20 weeks to come in, so order early.

Car Seat- Basically there are 4 options: Graco, Peg Perego, Chicco, and Britax for an infant seat. The car seat lady swears by the Graco Safe Seat, but it's not rated so hot. The Graco snugride had a major recall last year on a significant portion of their seats. The Peg is nice and lighter then a lot of them. It was rated highly by the high way administration. It's expensive. You need to make sure you buy a 2007+ because it MUST have the SIP on it. We bought in January when they were getting rid of last years models and got a $50 price break from Great Beginnings. The Chicco was the only seat to pass the Consumer Reports absurd test, but then they had a recall last year. Britax is great. But we were not sure a fan of the infant seat and how it went in. If you want to forego the infant seat entirely you might want to just get a convertible seat, which will give you a longer amount of time. I am leaning toward the Britax Boulevard CS for when we upgrade. Although there were advantages of getting an infant seat. It was able to go onto the snap and go, which is so light weight. We also were able to put it on the stroller. And if she was asleep, we didn't need to wake her to take her out of the car.

Changing Table- We purchased this from Ikea, because we found one that fit our needs. http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/S79838765. I like how big the space is so that it fits everything I need. Warning, we need a special changing pad because it is slightly smaller then most so we bought a Rumble Tuff (http://www.greatbeginningsonline.com/store/item.asp?DEPARTMENT_ID=88&ITEM_ID=15767).

Stroller- There are so many options. Because we don't have side walks and we walk to synagogue (.6 of a mile) we chose the Phil and Ted Sport which has bigger, inflattable wheels. We really like this, because it goes all the way down and can act as a basinett without having another piece that you may or may not have with you. It also can convert into a double stroller so there is a seat for Baby 2. In the mean time the seat can act as a bouncer. We bought the fanny pack to go on it so it has cup holders. We bought saddle bags. We also bought a spongy liner. We bought the rain cover which was great. For other ones like this we considered the Quinny (it only works with the Maxi Cosi), the Uppa Baby (not thrilled), The Britax Vigour (didn't fold well), the Peg Perego $800 stroller (too much, but we really liked it), the Bugaboo Lines (too much when you add everything up).
In addition to the Stroller, you might want a Snap N Go. Which is universal and you put the infant carrier on. We like the Baby Trend.

You might also want an umbrella stroller later on.

A Nice Chair for the Baby's Room. We chose one that Swivels 360 Degrees, Rocks, Legs Raise, and back goes down so you can lie all the way down. You really need to go and sit in them to see what they will be like, but this is a MUST.
A Pack N Play with a Bassinett and a Changing Table. I would suggest going with Graco. We bought a deluxe one for $100 (50$ off because it was on sale). This is what babies sleep in for the first 2 months (or longer) and then whenever we go traveling and need to bring it along. My mother-in-law has one also, but my mom does not. We borrow from a friend. You may want to register for a second one with less features that you can give to your parents. You might want to also look into one of the things that allows for co-sleeping or goes right next to the bed.

Start with 3month+ because most brands they grow out of within a couple of weeks
Old Navy runs a bit big and so does Gap, everyone else is small and so 6 months at 3 month and 9 months at 5 months

Coveralls with Feet (at least 3)
Hats (winter & Summer)
Socks (http://www.trumpette.com/store/index.cfm)
Dresses or nice outfits for synagogue/church
Receiving Blankets (at least 8)
Swaddle-me Blankets by kiddopatmus, these are so great to put the baby in and you don't have to worry about them pulling it over their head
A hoodie/sweater to put on in case of changes of weather
Sheets for crib
Blankets plush
Sheets for Pack N Play
Mattress Pad for crib
Mattress Pad for Pack N Play
Gerber Cloth Diapers - great burp cloths
Hangers with clips to hold bottoms

Kidco Gates
Covers for Door knobs
Stuff to keep draws and cabinets closed

FEEDING (This is based on breast fed Baby)
Boppy & My Breast Friend Pillow
Bebe Au Lait Nursing Cover (http://www.bebeaulait.com/) This is the best. I have two, one for the diaper bag and one for the pump or around the house.
Nursing Tank Tops- I bought a bunch for like 17$ at Target, in their regular section, not their maternity. They are the best! Sometimes Babies R Us also has some of the Glamor Mom ones, which are also pretty good and they come in a bunch of colors.
Pump- I chose the Medela Pump and Style in the Back Pack because it was the only brand that was BPA free at the time. I would choose the more expensive one if I were doing it again because then the pump comes out and easier to pack away when traveling in a plane. It's a little loud, but I didn't really look into other ones. It works great. You can rent some of them from most places now.
Car Adapted for Pump (This is a necessity). I would often pump in the car while we were taking car rides and then when I could feed without having to stop or Ari could if I was driving.
Medela Freezing and Storage Kits (http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2815289) This was great for storing milk in smaller quantities when a baby might not eat more than 3 ounces at a time.
Medela Storage Kit (http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2908605) (You probably want 2 of these)
Nuby Bottles (http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2864052, cheaper at Shop Rite in Cherry Hill, and they are BPA free. They are also great on the gums, they just take longer to feed with)
We often use Nuby nipples on the Medela Bottles (all the bottles sometimes leak, it's often because we don't use a bottle warmer and as the milk is coming to room temperature there is a change in the bottle with air and causing leaks).
Lansinoh Lanolin (The hospital gave us one while we were there)
Lansinoh Breast Pads
Lansinoh Milk Storage Bags (The issue with these is that you can't directly pump into them, but they are much better because they have a double seal)
Drying Rack (http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2736574) This one is great because it folds down and you can travel with it
Bottle Brushes
Sassy(http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2792393, this one is good for the 2.5oz Medela Bottles)
Nuby (http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2793367) This worked fine for all of the other stuff)
Bibs for catching drool and while nursing

Bib for feeding solids- Bibbity by Kiddopatmus- This one has no harmful issues
High Chair- We like the chicco Polly because it has multiple trays which are all dishwasher safe
Booster Chair- Fisher Price Healthy Care (http://www.target.com/Fisher-Price-Healthy-Care-Booster-Seat/dp/B0000DEW8N/sr=1-12/qid=1220975051/ref=sr_1_12/601-0716528-0608136?ie=UTF8&index=target&rh=k%3Abooster%20chair&page=1)
Spoons (http://www.diapersetc.com/products/nuby-hot-safe-spoon.html)
Placemat- Tiny Diner by Kiddopatmus

We chose Seventh Generation because they worked great for a small tushie. Every baby is different, but pampers, and the other name brands did not work.
Tushies- Awful. These don't use gels, but they don't work either.
Tender Care- Same as Tushies manufactor, but these work much better.
Whole Foods- If you can find them in stock these are pretty good
Earth's Best- These are also a good alternative.
Nature's Baby Care- These are also good, but hard to find in stores. In california they are really much cheaper at target then the rest of these, but you have to go to California to buy them. Need to check out other Targets.
You need 1 package of NB size. Don't open these up because you might have a 10lb baby and then they won't be of any use. If you have a smaller baby you might go through 3 packages. Buy at least 4 package of size 1.
Babies R US was the cheapest for 7th generation because they are 10.99 a package and you can use coupons and we went to the 7th generation website to get coupons. There is a limit to downloading twice, but you could print as many as you want.
GDiapers- A lot of people we know had issues with these because they leaked everywhere. Most day cares won't use them anyway and you have to use disposable.
Diaper Bag- You need two. A backpack is a definite. We chose the Columbia one because it had the side pocket that was insulated and great to keep bottles in. It has a changing pad. My only grip is it's too small for traveling. But we use a regular back pack and the Medela cooler bag that came with the pump for storing. We also have a much larger over the shoulder bag.
Diaper Rash Creme- We like Avalon, because there is a lot less stuff in it. Several people swear Burt's Butt Paste and that works good. We don't use it so often.
Diaper Pail- Diaper Champ, this takes regular trash bags (http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2373422)
Sara Bear Diaper Caddy- This is great addition for the Changing Area. We used it to carry down bath supplies also (http://www.target.com/SaraBear-Diaper-Caddy-Flowers-Brown/dp/B001CZWQ0Y/sr=1-3/qid=1220988694/ref=sr_1_3/601-0716528-0608136?ie=UTF8&index=target&field-browse=1038576&rh=k%3Asara%20bear&page=1). There are also more exotic designs.
Wipes- We bought the Pampers Sensitive at BJs. They are pretty good. We also bought the Kirkland Brand at Costco. This brand is good because it is self contained so it's good to throw into the diaper bag or send to day care.
Changing Pad- We chose this one Rumble Tuff (http://www.greatbeginningsonline.com/store/item.asp?DEPARTMENT_ID=88&ITEM_ID=15767).
Changing Pad Covers- There are special sized ones to go off this (Make sure you have at least 3).
Changing Pad Cover for the Pack N Play Also.

Anti-Bacterial Soap for all over. It may not always be easy to wash your hands, so having this at the diaper changing station is good, but it dries your hands out.
Sassy Bags or Munchkin scented bags for throwing away diapers on to go. You could also save the bag the paper comes in and then you have a bag to put things into.

Washcloths (have a lot of the simple ones, and then some nicer ones)
Towels with hoods
Bathrobe (not necessary, but great for swimming, they work up to 9 months)
Shampoo & Soap Combo (We liked Avalon because it was more natural)
Round Cotton Pads (these are great for cleaning eyes)
Small Round Tupperware containers for pouring water over her.
Foam Pad like this (http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2390251)
Inflattable Ducky
Bath Water Thermometer
Exergen Thermometer - This one is great to get a simple temperature. If it's high you will need to do a temperature in her butt.
Boon Frog Pod- This is great for toys in the bath tub
Comb & Brush
Children's Tylenol
Enfamil Tri-Vi-Sol Vitamin if you are exclusively breat feeding

Play Gym- Go with Gymini by Tiny Love, these are great
Bouncer Chair- We borrowed the Aquarium by Fisher Price, this was excellent and she loved it
Bumbo Seat- For help sitting up
Swing- We chose the Boppy Travel Swing, which was fine, she likes it. We chose not to use it as something to help her fall asleep, but rather for play, or somewhere to put her down in once she had fallen asleep. This was before we moved the pack n play downstairs.
Tiny Love Mobile- I liked it's features, but you might get tired of the music. (http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2307234)
The First Years Teething Blanket
Teething Rings- ones that go into the refrigerator
Rings to attach things to stroller
Baby Einstein Duck (http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2609801)
There are not many birth toys, but these are great http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2609036 by Tiny Love
Stroller Hangers http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2793328
Foot rattles (http://www.infantino.com/Toys/Toys0/150-824.html)

You will probably get a million copies of Goodnight Moon
Sandra Boynton Books
Cloth Books
Hungry Caterpillar
Where the Wild Things Are
Eric Carle Books

JJ Cole Lite Bundle Me, this is excellent for chill times
JJ Cole Original Bundle Me, this is good for when it's colder to keep warm
Floppy Seat- This is for when Baby can sit up and great for sitting in shopping cart or when you go out to dinner and need to put her on a restaurant high chair.
JJ Cole Outdoor Blanket- Good for play time and picnics outside
Fisher Price Deluxe Mobile Mirror - You need this probably before you go home from the hospital (unless one of you will sit in the back). She was so quiet and we couldn't see her. You probably want one for each car
Piddle Pad by Kiddopatmus - This is a necessity for long rides to help try to protect from blow outs.

We chose the lascal (http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2910023), we liked it better then most, but we went tried our daughter in it to see how she felt best. This one has good back support
We also bought the Moby Wrap (http://www.mobywrap.com/). You apparently can nurse in this one.

Pareve Soy Milk

Ok, so I figured I would set up my first post to talk about Soy Milk. For many years, we have bought 8th Continent Soy Milk because it was pareve (lacking dairy), but recently they have changed their packaging and it bears a kosher symbol of OU-D, indicating that it is dairy. Probably just processed in the same facility of dairy products. This is a mistake for 8th Continent. Luckily a bunch of the store brands are still Pareve and do not include dairy products. So far, I know of the following pareve Soy Milks:
  1. Whole Foods
  2. Shop Rite
  3. SuperFresh
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